Nebula 1
Nebula One.iso
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338 lines
#import "FileShelfView.h"
#import "FileCollection.h"
#import "TokenString.h"
#import "FileName.h"
static id font;
@interface FileShelfView (PRIVATE)
- _burstNames;
- (const char *) _formatFileName: str width: (float)len;
- (NXPoint *) _pointForIndex: (int) index;
- (int) _indexForPoint: (NXPoint *)hit;
@implementation FileShelfView
-initFrame:(const NXRect *)rect
[super initFrame: rect];
[self registerForDraggedTypes:&NXFilenamePboardType count:1];
images = [[List alloc] init];
fileNames = [[List alloc] init];
singleNames = [[FileCollection alloc] init];
nameListDirty = NO;
font = [Font systemFontOfSize: 0 matrix: NX_IDENTITYMATRIX];
[self setEnabled: YES];
[self setTitleWidth: 60];
[self setShowNames: YES];
return self;
- free
[self unregisterDraggedTypes];
[images freeObjects];
[images free];
[fileNames freeObjects];
[fileNames free];
[singleNames freeObjects];
[singleNames free];
return [super free];
- empty
[images freeObjects];
[fileNames freeObjects];
[self display];
return self;
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)r :(int) count
NXPoint *point;
int cnt, y;
const char *label;
/* Erase the whole view */
NXDrawGrayBezel(&bounds, &bounds); /* with bezel if enabled */
NXSetColor ([window backgroundColor]);
NXRectFill (&bounds);
return self;
[font set];
for(y = 0, cnt = [images count]; y < cnt; y++)
[[images objectAt: y] composite: NX_SOVER toPoint: point = [self _pointForIndex: y]];
label = [self _formatFileName: [fileNames objectAt: y] width: titleWidth - 4.0 ];
PSmoveto((point->x + 24.0) - ([font getWidthOf: label]/2.0) , point->y - [font pointSize]);
return self;
- fileNames
if(nameListDirty) /* if the list has changed we need to burst it before accessing */
[self _burstNames];
return singleNames;
- setEnabled: (BOOL)flag /* will it accept files? */
if(flag == enabled)
return self;
enabled = flag;
[self empty];
[self display];
return self;
- (BOOL) enabled
return enabled;
- addFile: (const char *)filename /* add file(s) manually */
id file = [[StringStorage alloc] init: filename];
NXImage *image;
image = [[Application workspace] getIconForFile: [file stringValue]];
if(!(image && enabled))
[file free];
return nil;
[images addObject: image];
[fileNames addObject: file];
[self display];
nameListDirty = YES;
return self;
- mouseDown: (NXEvent *)anEvent
NXEvent saveEvent;
NXPoint offset, origin;
Pasteboard *dragPasteboard;
offset.x = offset.y = 0;
saveEvent = *anEvent;
/* find the hit icon and its origin */
origin = anEvent->location;
[self convertPoint: &origin fromView: nil];
dragIndex = [self _indexForPoint: &origin];
/* create and load pasteboard - then start drag */
dragPasteboard = [Pasteboard newName: NXDragPboard];
[dragPasteboard declareTypes: &NXFilenamePboardType num:1 owner:self];
[dragPasteboard writeType: NXFilenamePboardType data: [[fileNames objectAt: dragIndex] stringValue]
length: [[fileNames objectAt: dragIndex] strlen]];
[self dragImage: [images objectAt: dragIndex] at: [self _pointForIndex: dragIndex] offset: &offset
event: &saveEvent pasteboard: dragPasteboard source: self slideBack: NO];
return [super mouseDown: anEvent];
- setShowNames: (BOOL) flag /* Should the names appear on the shelf? */
showNames = flag;
return self;
-(BOOL) showNames
return showNames;
- setTitleWidth: (float) aWidth /* how wide is a shelf slot - min 50 */
titleWidth = (aWidth > 50.0 ? aWidth : 50.0);
return self;
- (float) titleWidth
return titleWidth;
@implementation FileShelfView (NXDraggingDestinationProtocol)
- (NXDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
if(enabled && ([sender draggingSourceOperationMask] & NX_DragOperationCopy))
return NX_DragOperationCopy;
return NX_DragOperationNone;
- draggingExited:(id <NXDraggingInfo>) sender
return self;
- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
return YES;
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
return ([self draggingEntered: sender] == NX_DragOperationNone) ? NO : YES;
- concludeDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
Pasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
char *files;
int len;
id aFile;
[pboard readType:NXFilenamePboardType data: &files length: &len];
[images addObject: [sender draggedImageCopy]];
aFile = [[StringStorage alloc] init: files];
[fileNames addObject:aFile];
[self display];
nameListDirty = YES;
return self;
@implementation FileShelfView (FSVNXDraggingSource)
- (NXDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)isLocal
return NX_DragOperationCopy;
- draggedImage:(NXImage *)image endedAt:(NXPoint *)screenPoint deposited:(BOOL)didDeposit
[[images removeObjectAt: dragIndex] free];
[[fileNames removeObjectAt: dragIndex] free];
[self display];
nameListDirty = YES;
return self;
- (BOOL)ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging
return NO;
@implementation FileShelfView (PRIVATE)
* fileNames may contain multiple file entries - break them out to single entries.
- _burstNames
int x, cnt;
id someNames = [[TokenString alloc] init];
id aFileName;
const char *fileNameStr;
[singleNames freeObjects]; /* free old version of the list */
[someNames setSeparator: '\t'];
for(x = 0, cnt = [fileNames count]; x < cnt; x++)
[someNames setStringValue: [[fileNames objectAt: x] stringValue]];
while(fileNameStr = [someNames popStringValue])
aFileName = [[StringStorage alloc] init: fileNameStr];
[singleNames addObject: aFileName];
[someNames free];
nameListDirty = NO;
return self;
- (const char *) _formatFileName: fn width: (float)len
{ /* format file names like the Workspace shelf. Handle multiple items */
static char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
const char *str = [fn stringValue];
int x, cnt;
for(cnt = 0, x = 0; str[x]; x++)
if(str[x] == '\t')
sprintf(buf,"%d items", cnt + 1);
strcpy(buf,[fn basename]);
if([font getWidthOf: buf] > len)
for(x = strlen(str); x > 0 ; x--)
if([font getWidthOf: buf] <= len)
buf[x - 1] = (char)0;
strcpy(buf + (x - 3), "...");
return buf;
- (NXPoint *) _pointForIndex: (int) index /* calculate the corner point for the nth icon */
static NXPoint point;
int row, perRow;
perRow = NX_WIDTH(&bounds)/titleWidth;
row = (index/perRow) + 1;
point.x = (float)((index % perRow) * titleWidth) + ((titleWidth/2.0) - 24.0);
point.y = NX_HEIGHT(&bounds) - (row * 52);
point.y -= ((row - 1) * [font pointSize]);
return &point;
- (int) _indexForPoint: (NXPoint *)hit /* based on a point which icon was hit? */
int column, row;
row = (NX_HEIGHT(&bounds) - hit->y)/(52 + (showNames ? [font pointSize] : 0));
column = hit->x/titleWidth;
return column + (row * (int)(NX_WIDTH(&bounds)/titleWidth));